Consultations are longer home visits aimed at resolving specific behaviour problems, by going into your dog's daily life, routines and history in full detail. A behaviour modification plan for managing and resolving your dog's specific problems will be developed to cater for you and your dog's specific needs and circumstances.

Intermediate and Canine Good Citizen Training Classes
Classes for dogs over 5 months of age, specifically aimed at helping owners navigate the difficult adolesctent period in a dog's life. Exercises are focused on developing problem-solving skills and emotional restraint in teenage dogs, while continuing to build a dog-owner relationship based on trust. Preparation for Canine Good Citizen Bronze is included.

Advanced obedience and Trick Training
These classes are focused on making training interesting for owners and increasing mental stimulation for adult dogs, by introducing many fun tricks and more complex exercises that challenge dogs and owners focus and problem solving skills! Preparation for Silver and Gold Canine Good Citizen is included.