Why use the clicker?
Planning leads to success!
Beware of the Trainer!
There are no bad dogs, only bad owners??
Say NO to Tail Docking
Not all dogs can be saved...
You do NOT have a pack!
When socialisation is NOT socialisation
In Defence of Vets
Dog training – a costly business?
Humping, other inappropriate social behaviours and the “let them sort it out” brigade
Love is not always enough
IS A DOG RIGHT FOR ME? Examining a dog’s needs BEFORE making that decision
Are we expecting too much of dogs these days? My thoughts on barking and by-laws.
Buying from a backyard breeder is not "Rescue"
Adopt Don't Shop?
Just because we CAN train a dog to tolerate something unpleasant or stressful, does that mean we SHO
When is the right time to get a new dog?
Providing Mental Stimulation for Your Dog
Doggy Daycare?